black blue and yellow textile

Hast Sadhana

Literally means hand Practice. This is to train hand for learning next levels of Mantra Easily. The more you practice these mantras the more your hands will move swiftly on Mridanga.

Note: One who desires to learn Mridanga is strongly advised to practice below Mantras for at least 1 month.

|| Mridangay Brahmarupay Lavanya Rasmadhuri

sahastragun samyuktam mridangay namo namah ||

Let's learn the notations of the Mridanga One by One.

TE = CLOSED sound with FOUR fingers In middle of Small Side.

RE = CLOSED sound with THUMB in middle of Small side.

KHE = (Big side) closed sound with palm.

TA = (Small side) OPEN sound with FOUR fingers

Use These Same Notations To Play HASTHA SADHANA MANTRAS.





Let's give your hands a good warmup before we could start learning further beats. These Mantras (set of musical notes) are very important for beginners and also hardcore players.

Te Re Khe Ta

s(c) s(c) B(c) s(o)

NOTE: s(o) = small side open ; s(c) = small side closed

B(c) = big side closed ; B(o) = Big side open

Small side

Big side


" Te Re Khe Ta Te Re Khe Ta

Te Re Te Re Te Re Khe Ta "

Big side

Small side


|| Te Re Khe Ta ,Te Re Te Re khe Ta , Te Re Te Re Te Re Khe Ta ||